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I really enjoyed your game, in fact, despite nothing much scary happening, it managed to spook my enough. The atmosphere is doing it's job! So, shout out to you for providing fun little horror game experience ;)

Good job

Great game.

The atmosphere is unique, the performance is superb, really over the top, especially the frame rate and the camera movement. All the lighting in the game as well as the environment itself - awesome. I wish the AI was a bit different and maybe having 1 entity would improve the eerie vibe. Nevertheless, good job. 

Best of luck with the game. Cheers! 


It was a pretty decent game. Some underground guidance would be helpful, and please, for all that is good in this world, shorten the times it takes the elevator to go down. Overall it's a good game. I enjoyed the time I spent playing it, but I didn't finish it because of the extended elevator ride.

I will be playing this game live tomorrow 8/28 around 7-730 PM EST =D